New Photography

Eylül Aslan, Bora Ayonur, Zeynep Beler, Asger Carlsen, David Chancellor, Alejandro Chaskielberg, Yusuf Darıyerli, Engin Gerçek,  Yiğit Günel, Gert Jochems, Catherine Larré, Cansu Korkmaz, Camille McOuat, Evzen Sobek, Arslan Sükan, Devin Yalkın, Cemre Yeşil

12 /05 / 2015 27 / 06 / 2015

Curators: Efe Korkut Kurt, Zeynep Özkanca

With “NEW PHOTOGRAPHY”, ALAN Istanbul presents a selection of works from prominent contemporary artists who work with photography.

One of the most decisive artistic and technical tools of production in today’s contemporary art, photography is indispensable as an exceptional field in the production of fine art, in addition to its influence on plastic arts. As both a wide-spread “medium” in contemporary art, and a unique way of expression with the possibilities it offers, photography needs to be better evaluated and understood.

This project-exhibition brings Istanbul-based contemporary artists together with a selection of internationally renowned artists. The selection of works transforms the presentation of images on a bright screen into an installation with emphasis on space. Each photograph is printed with a suitable technique, and by presenting them in space with a texture that makes it possible for them to communicate with each other, a reference to collective perception is made.

Considering the fact that artists utilize photography in different forms, contexts and processes, it seems necessary to group them into certain categories. Therefore, the first stage of NEW PHOTOGRAPHY project brings together works of young artists who have developed their own styles within the possibilities of photography by making use of data in which visual aesthetics are prioritized. It aims to establish a dialog between works and artists.

The show NEW PHOTOGRAPHY can be seen at ALAN Istanbul between the dates 12 May – 27 June 2015.